SAP TechEd InnoJam 2015: BOLDLY GO INDUSTRIES Takes Silver

BOLDLY GO INDUSTRIES finished second out of 18 teams at this year’s “SAP TechEd InnoJam 2015”, a well-known innovation challenge for SAP experts. The idea for “H.A.P.P.Y.”, an energy company that predicts customer sentiment and satisfaction on the basis of SAP HANA, was developed in only 36 hours. The application enables employees of the energy company to recognize negative trends at an early stage and increase customer loyalty with personalized offers.

The “InnoJam” is held every year ahead of the SAP TechEd. 18 teams and 83 developers participated in the “InnoJam” in Barcelona. Only the six best teams were given the opportunity to present their solutions to the entire SAP TechEd audience in a short six-minute presentation – called the “DemoJam”.

The BOLDLY GO INDUSTRIES team was awarded an outstanding second place in the audience vote. “We are thrilled to have won silver with H.A.P.P.Y. Our goal was to identify customers’ feelings and bring this to the attention of the energy supplier before dissatisfied customers take action themselves,” says Dr. Sergei Haller, Principal Consultant at BOLDLY GO INDUSTRIES Frankfurt.

Customers are linked to the company via an app from the energy supplier. By giving the supplier access to their private Facebook and Twitter accounts, customers collect credits that they can put towards a cheaper electricity rate or environmental projects. The social media data is analyzed with SAP HANA Predictive Analytics and SAP HANA Sentiment Analysis.

“It’s a win-win situation: Customers are happy and customer advisors can meet their goals because they know their customers better and can offer personalized advice. The company benefits from the resulting sales – individual offers can be tailored to specific customer group profiles to boost revenues,” says Dr. Sergei Haller.

Next Steps

Andreas Jamm
Managing Director
T +49 69-244 5002-0